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LanguagesBrainfuck derivativesCell-basedImplemented2013

pbrainPaul M. ParksComputus, Anonymous Gregorian algorithmOpenCOBOL discussion on SourceForgepbrain


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  • 1 cbrain

    • 1.1 hello

      • 1.1.1 When is Easter?

      • 1.1.2 ASCII chart

    • 1.2 Built with OpenCOBOL

    • 1.3 from bf

    • 1.4 from pbrain

    • 1.5 cbrain adds

    • 1.6 cbrain interpreter

    • 1.7 OpenCOBOL test head

    • 1.8 help

  • 2 Criticism

  • 3 Implementation

  • 4 External resources


The cbrain eso programming language is an extension of the pbrain programming language for use from OpenCOBOL that adds numbers and various operators. Pronounced see brain. pbrain was extended with the addition of instructions matching C augmented assignments, a few 'lettered' operators (breaking comment compatibility, adding cell neutral comment segments to compensate) and integer number support to pbrain instructions. pbrain was created by Paul M. Parks in 2004.

The source code linked by Daniel B Cristofani for pbrain.c looked like an excellent candidate for inclusion in the OpenCOBOL link library toolkit. This source was then modified as cbrain.c by Brian Tiffin in 2013.


 0 (<<<<< <<<<<)
> 72 > 101 > 7 o a c c +++ > 32 > 99 c - > 114 o - > 105 c > 5 a > 32 > 0
 : <<< [. >] << [. <] 10 .

displayed as

 Hello cbrain niarbc olleH

When is Easter?

From the Computus, Anonymous Gregorian algorithm

 When is Easter?
0 > 89 > 101 > 97 > 114 > 63 > 32 > 0

c > 19 % o > 100 d o > 4 d
<<< @ >>>> ! > 8 a > 25 d <
> ! o s + > 3 d <
<<<<< < @ >>>>> >> ! > 19 m <<<<< < @ >>>>> >> ! a <<<< @ >>>>> ! s o s > 15 a > 30 %
<<<<< @ >>>>> > ! > 4 d
o <<<<< < @ >>>>> >> ! a > 2 m > 32 a <<< @ >>>> ! s o s > 7 %
<<< @ >>>> ! > 11 m <<<<< <<<<< < @ >>>>> >>>>> >> ! a o > 22 m a > 451 d <
o <<<<< @ >>>>> > ! a o > 7 m s > 114 a
c > 31 % +
o > 31 d

yyyy/mm/dd form
<<<<< <<<<< <<<<< < n >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> > 47 . < n 47 . < n 10 . q

with a run of

 $ ./cbrainrun computus.cb
Year? 2014

ASCII chart

 Display an ASCII chart
0 > 65 > 83 > 67 > 73 c > 32 > 67 > 104 > 97 > 114 > 116 > 10
> 45 c c c c c c c c c c > 10 > 0
<[<] >[.>] <[<]

32 > 128 o s [
> 5 @ [ <
o n >< . >9.<
<< + > -
> ! - @
] <
o n >< . >10.<
<< + > -


 ASCII Chart
32 = 33 = ! 34 = " 35 = # 36 = $ 37 = %
38 = & 39 = ' 40 = ( 41 = ) 42 = * 43 = +
44 = , 45 = - 46 = . 47 = / 48 = 0 49 = 1
50 = 2 51 = 3 52 = 4 53 = 5 54 = 6 55 = 7
56 = 8 57 = 9 58 = : 59 = ; 60 = < 61 = =
62 = > 63 = ? 64 = @ 65 = A 66 = B 67 = C
68 = D 69 = E 70 = F 71 = G 72 = H 73 = I
74 = J 75 = K 76 = L 77 = M 78 = N 79 = O
80 = P 81 = Q 82 = R 83 = S 84 = T 85 = U
86 = V 87 = W 88 = X 89 = Y 90 = Z 91 = [
92 = 93 = ] 94 = ^ 95 = _ 96 = ` 97 = a
98 = b 99 = c 100 = d 101 = e 102 = f 103 = g
104 = h 105 = i 106 = j 107 = k 108 = l 109 = m
110 = n 111 = o 112 = p 113 = q 114 = r 115 = s
116 = t 117 = u 118 = v 119 = w 120 = x 121 = y
122 = z 123 = 125 = 126 = ~ 127 =

Built with OpenCOBOL

Tested using CALL from OpenCOBOL and compiled with each of

 cobc -x callcbrain.cob cbrain.c
cobc -x cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c -lreadline

and from C with

 gcc -o cbrainmain cbrainmain.c

or with the COBOL compiler

 cobc -x cbrainmain.c -lreadline
cobc -x cbrainmain.c subcranial.cob -lreadline

from bf

Operation Meaning
+ increment value in current cell
- decrement value in current cell
> advance data cell index up 1
< retreat data cell index down 1
[ if current cell zero, scan source index forward to next ]
] if current cell non-zero, scan source index backwards to previous [
. output current cell as character value
, accept key value to current cell

from pbrain

Operation Meaning
( define procedure using current cell value as label
) end procedure definition
 : evaluate procedure with label matching current cell value

cbrain adds

Operation Meaning
digits, 0 though 9 if last operation was digit, scale current cell up by 10, otherwise zero out and add in digit
scan forward through source text to position past balanced nested close brace
* multiply current value by 10
/ integer divide current value by 10
a add current cell into previous cell and retreat
s subtract current cell from previous cell and retreat
m multiply current cell by previous cell into previous cell and retreat
d divide previous cell by current cell, leaving quotient in previous and remainder in current. No retreat.
^ bitwise xor current cell with previous cell and retreat
& bitwise and current cell with previous cell and retreat
| bitwise or current cell with previous cell and retreat
~ bitwise not of current cell into current cell
r right shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat
l left shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat
 % compute modulus of previous cell by current cell into previous cell and retreat
@ fetch current cell value and place in memory register
 ! place content of memory register in current cell
x exchange current cell with previous
o copy previous cell over to next and advance
c copy current cell to next cell and advance
n output current cell as integer
# output current cell as formatted integer
b output current cell as base 2
= input integer and place value in current cell
" scan forward to ", call that COBOL module, passing current and then replacing with RETURN-CODE
t toggle step trace
 ? display current memory cells
g goback
q quit
help reserved word, calls "cbrainhelp", the OpenCOBOL module using cbrain quoted string.
file reserved word, loads script using rest of source text as filename.

reserved words MUST start in column one of the source text

cbrain interpreter

Many thanks to Daniel B Christofani and Paul M Park.

Well, the central interpreter is

 /* cbrain */
/* pbrain interpreter in old-style C
This is an interpreter for Paul M. Parks's pbrain programming language,
a variant of Urban Mueller's programming language.
Do anything you want with this program.
I welcome bug reports and feature requests.
Daniel B Cristofani (

20130327, extended and put into service with OpenCOBOL as
btiffin (
switch(code[q])code[s[sp]]!='(') e(7); return(0); t[s[sp]]=q; break;
case ']': if(!sp--

if(sp) e(code[s[--sp]]=='['?4:6);
for(q=0;q<=PROCEDURES;q++) ptable[q]=-1;
if (tracer && !isspace(code[q]))
fprintf(stderr, "[%c at %05d was %020ld, ", (char)tmp, p, a[p]);

switch(code[q])=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case '^': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]^=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case '~': a[p]=~a[p]; scale=0; break;
case 'a': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]+=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case 's': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]-=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case 'm': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]*=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case 'd': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); if(a[p]) tmp=a[p-1]; a[p-1]/=a[p]; a[p]=tmp-a[p]*a[p-1]; scale=0; break;
case '%': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]%=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case 'r': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]>>=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case 'l': if(p<1) e(3); return(0); a[--p]<<=a[p+1]; scale=0; break;
case '0': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; break;
case '1': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=1; break;
case '2': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=2; break;
case '3': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=3; break;
case '4': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=4; break;
case '5': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=5; break;
case '6': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=6; break;
case '7': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=7; break;
case '8': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=8; break;
case '9': a[p]*=(scale++>0)?10:0; a[p]+=9; break;
case '=': scanf("%d", &a[p]); scale=0; break;
case 'n': printf("%d", a[p]); scale=0; break;
case '#': printf("%020ld ", a[p]); scale=0; break;
case 'b': printf("%64s", long_to_binary(a[p])); scale=0; break;
case 'x': tmp=a[p];a[p]=a[p-1];a[p-1]=tmp; scale=0; break;
case 'c': if(p>=SIZE) e(3); return(0); a[++p]=a[p-1]; scale=0; break;
case 'o': if(p<1
if (tracing && !isspace(code[q]))
fprintf(stderr, " after %05d is %020ld]n", p, a[p]);

/* COBOL is an ordinal language, first is 1 */

OpenCOBOL test head

*> *******************************************************
*> Author: Brian Tiffin
*> Date: 20130326
*> Purpose: cbrain
*> Tectonics: cobc -x callcbrain.cob cbrain.c
*> *******************************************************
identification division.
program-id. callcbrain.

data division.
working-storage section.
01 cbrain-cmd pic x(132).
01 string-cell pic z(19)9.
01 fielded-variable pic xxx.
01 cell pic s9(8).
01 looper pic s9(8).
01 brain-cells.
05 brain-cell usage binary-c-long occurs 65536 times.

*> *******************************************************
procedure division.
*call "cbrain" using brain-cells
* by content "file hoc.cb" & x"00"

initialize brain-cells
call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content "file bitwise.cb" & x"00"
returning cell
display "OC: from bitwise.cb " brain-cell(cell) end-display

call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content "127 > 85 ^" & x"00"
returning cell
display "OC: from expression " brain-cell(cell) end-display

call "cbrain" using brain-cells
"127 xor 85" &
"define procedure 1 for newline" &
"0+(@ 10 . !)" &
"place 127 in memory 0," &
" place 85 in memory 1," &
" bitwise XOR," &
" display as number." &
" Then, call procedure 1 for a newline," &
" fetching and restoring current afterwards" &
"127" &
"> 85 ^ #" &
"@ 1 : !" & x"00"
returning cell
display "OC: 127 xor 85 = " brain-cell(cell) end-display

initialize brain-cells
call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content "file morehello.cb" & x"00"
returning cell
on exception continue

initialize brain-cells
call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content "file pbrains.cb" & x"00"
returning cell
on exception continue

*> this is why bitwise might actually get written someday
move 123 to fielded-variable
initialize brain-cells
call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content function concatenate(
"> 31 &", x"00")
returning cell
display "OC: fielded-variable " fielded-variable " and 31 is "

perform varying looper from 1 by 1 until looper > 5
move looper to string-cell
string-cell delimited by size
" > 91 a # > 38 . 32 . < > 31 # & > 61 . 32 . < # b" &
" @ 10 . !" delimited by size
x"00" delimited by size
into cbrain-cmd
on overflow
display "too much brain" end-display

initialize brain-cells
call "cbrain" using brain-cells
by content cbrain-cmd
returning cell
on exception continue
* display "OC: " brain-cell(cell) end-display

end program callcbrain.

Giving a run sample on Fedora 18 and OpenCOBOL 1.1CE

OC: from bitwise.cb +00000000000555000000
OC: from expression +00000000000000000042
OC: 127 xor 85 = +00000000000000000042
Hello OpenCOBOL!
'Sup earth
Hello cbrain niarbc olleH
EsoAPI required
OC: fielded-variable 123 and 31 is +00000000000000000027
+00000092 & +00000031 = +00000028 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011100
+00000093 & +00000031 = +00000029 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011101
+00000094 & +00000031 = +00000030 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011110
+00000095 & +00000031 = +00000031 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011111
+00000096 & +00000031 = +00000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

and steps trace on standard error of

 [00244 0 at 00014 was 1, after 00014 is 0]
[00246 { at 00014 was 0, after 00014 is 0]
[00293 + at 00014 was 0, after 00014 is 1]
[00294 + at 00014 was 1, after 00014 is 2]
[00295 + at 00014 was 2, after 00014 is 3]
[00296 + at 00014 was 3, after 00014 is 4]
[00297 + at 00014 was 4, after 00014 is 5]
[00299 > at 00014 was 5, after 00015 is 10]
[00301 0 at 00015 was 10, after 00015 is 0]
[00303 + at 00015 was 0, after 00015 is 1]
[00304 + at 00015 was 1, after 00015 is 2]
[00305 + at 00015 was 2, after 00015 is 3]
[00306 + at 00015 was 3, after 00015 is 4]
[00307 + at 00015 was 4, after 00015 is 5]
[00308 + at 00015 was 5, after 00015 is 6]
[00309 + at 00015 was 6, after 00015 is 7]
[00310 + at 00015 was 7, after 00015 is 8]
[00311 + at 00015 was 8, after 00015 is 9]
[00312 + at 00015 was 9, after 00015 is 10]
[00314 * at 00015 was 10, after 00015 is 100]
[00316 m at 00015 was 100, after 00014 is 500]
[00318 > at 00014 was 500, after 00015 is 100]
[00320 5 at 00015 was 100, after 00015 is 5]
[00321 5 at 00015 was 5, after 00015 is 55]
[00323 a at 00015 was 55, after 00014 is 555]
[00325 * at 00014 was 555, after 00014 is 5550]
[00326 * at 00014 was 5550, after 00014 is 55500]
[00327 * at 00014 was 55500, after 00014 is 555000]
[00328 * at 00014 was 555000, after 00014 is 5550000]
[00329 * at 00014 was 5550000, after 00014 is 55500000]
[00330 * at 00014 was 55500000, after 00014 is 555000000]
[00332 # at 00014 was 555000000, after 00014 is 555000000]
[00334 t at 00014 was 555000000, after 00014 is 555000000]

with morehello.cb

 [-][bf style]
+++++ +++++ initialize counter (cell #0) to 10
[ use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
> +++++ ++ add 7 to cell #1
> +++++ +++++ add 10 to cell #2
> +++ add 3 to cell #3
> + add 1 to cell #4
<<<< - decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ . print 'H'
> + . print 'e'
+++++ ++ . print 'l'
. print 'l'
+++ . print 'o'
> ++ . print ' '
<< +++++ ++ . print 'O'
> + . print 'p'
----- ----- - . print 'e'
+++++ ++++ . print 'n'
< ----- ----- -- . print 'C'
+++++ +++++ ++ . print 'O'
----- ----- --- . print 'B'
+++++ +++++ +++ . print 'O'
--- . print 'L'
>> + . print '!'
> . print 'n'

0[eso style]
39 > 83 > 117 > 112 > 32 > 101 > 97 > 114 > 116 > 104 > 0
< < < < < < < < < <
[. >] > 01 * .

cbrain style
0 (<<<<< <<<<<)
> 72 > 101 > 7 o a c c +++ > 32 > 99 c -> 114 o - > 105 c > 5 a > 32 > 0
 : <<< [. >] << [. <] 10 .

displayed as

 Hello OpenCOBOL!
'Sup earth
Hello cbrain niarbc olleH


help is built into a sub module system

*> ********************************************************
*> Author: Brian Tiffin
*> Date: 20130331
*> Purpose: submodule for cbrain
*> Tectonics: cobc -x cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c -lreadline
*> cb: 23 # "subcranial" #
*> ********************************************************
identification division.
program-id. subcranial.
data division.
linkage section.
01 brain-cell usage binary-long.

*> ********************************************************
procedure division using by value brain-cell.
move 104 to return-code
>>D display
>>D "OC: got " brain-cell " returning " return-code
>>D end-display
end program subcranial.
*> ********************************************************

*> ********************************************************
identification division.
program-id. cbrainhelp.

environment division.
configuration section.
function all intrinsic.

data division.
working-storage section.
01 jars value "012345678901234567890".
03 flies.
05 fly pic 9 occurs 21 times.
linkage section.
01 brain-cell usage binary-long.

*> ********************************************************
procedure division using by value brain-cell.
evaluate brain-cell
when 104
display "10-4 back expect 10-2" end-display
display "cbrain 10 code special helps are:" end-display
display " 10-4  : ok, help help" end-display
display " 10-28 : identify station" end-display
display " 10-34 : send help" end-display
display " 10-36 : correct time is ..." end-display
display " 10-94 : request for long count, frogsort and quit" end-display
display " other : cbrain help" end-display
move 102 to return-code
when 1028
display "10-28 received, cbrain v0.42, Apr 2013, expect 10-4" end-display
display "Daniel B Cristofani posted pbrain.c, modified for cbrain by Brian Tiffin" end-display
display "Tectonics:" &x"0a" " cobc -x cbrainmain.c subcranial.cob -lreadline -g -debug -fdebugging-line" end-display
display " cobc -x cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c -lreadline" end-display
move 104 to return-code
when 1034
display "10-4 good buddy" end-display
display "CB 10-codes: " end-display
display "---------------" end-display
display "10-1 receiving poorly " end-display
display "10-2 receiving well " end-display
display "10-3 stop transmitting" end-display
display "10-4 OK, got message" end-display
display "10-5 relay message" end-display
display "10-6 busy, please stand by" end-display
display "10-7 out of service, and off air" end-display
display "10-8 in service, ready" end-display
display "10-9 please repeat" end-display
display "10-10 completed and standing by" end-display
display "10-11 talking too fast" end-display
display "10-12 visitors present" end-display
display "10-13 how's the weather and road?" end-display
display "10-16 pick up at ..." end-display
display "10-17 urgent" end-display
display "10-18 do you have anything?" end-display
display "10-19 nothing for you, come on in" end-display
display "10-20 location is ..." end-display
display "10-21 call by phone" end-display
display "10-22 come on in and see ..." end-display
display "10-23 please stand by" end-display
display "10-24 last assignment complete" end-display
display "10-25 can you contact ..." end-display
display "10-26 disregard last" end-display
display "10-27 moving to channel ..." end-display
display "10-28 identify yourself" end-display
display "10-29 time's up" end-display
display "10-30 radio use not conforming to rules" end-display
display "10-32 will give radio check" end-display
display "10-33 emergency traffic on channel" end-display
display "10-34 trouble, help requested" end-display
display "10-35 confidential" end-display
display "10-36 correct time is ..." end-display
display "10-37 tow requested at ..." end-display
display "10-38 ambulance requested at ..." end-display
display "10-39 message delivered" end-display
display "10-41 go to channel" end-display
display "10-42 traffic accident at ..." end-display
display "10-43 traffic congestion at ..." end-display
display "10-44 message for you " end-display
display "10-45 all units please report" end-display
display "10-50 break channel" end-display
display "10-60 what is next message number?" end-display
display "10-62 unable to hear, use alternate" end-display
display "10-63 net redirect to ..." end-display
display "10-64 net clear" end-display
display "10-65 awaiting next message" end-display
display "10-67 all units follow" end-display
display "10-70 fire reported at ..." end-display
display "10-71 proceed in sequence " end-display
display "10-77 negative contact" end-display
display "10-81 are you drunk?" end-display
display "10-82 need room for ..." end-display
display "10-84 telephone number is ..." end-display
display "10-85 address is ..." end-display
display "10-91 closer to the mike please" end-display
display "10-93 hows my frequency on this channel?" end-display
display "10-94 can I get a long count?" end-display
display "10-99 mission complete" end-display
display "10-100 rest stop" end-display
display "10-200 police needed at ..." end-display
display "----------------------------" x"0a" end-display
move 102 to return-code
when 1036
display locale-date(current-date(1:8)) " " locale-time(current-date(9:6)) end-display
move 104 to return-code
when 1094
call "frogsort" using flies end-call
when other
display "cbrainhelp received " brain-cell " and will return 10-4 on successful completion." end-display

display x"0a" & "===From bf===" end-display
display "+, increment current cell" end-display
display "-, decrement current cell" end-display
display ">, advance data cell index up 1" end-display
display "<, retreat data cell index down 1" end-display
display "[, if current cell zero, scan source index forward to next ]" end-display
display "], if current cell non-zero, scan source index backwards to previous [" end-display
display "., output current cell" end-display
display ",, accept key value to current cell" end-display

display x"0a" & "===From pbrain===" end-display
display "(, define procedure using current cell value as label" end-display
display "), end procedure definition" end-display
display ":, evalute labelled procedure using current cell value" end-display

display x"0a" & "===cbrain adds===" end-display
display "digits, 0 though 9, if last operation was digit, scale current cell up by 10, otherwise zero out and add in digit" end-display
display ", scan through source text to position past next balanced end brace " end-display
display "*, multiply current value by 10" end-display
display "/, integer divide current value by 10" end-display
display "a, add current cell into previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "s, subtract current cell from previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "m, multiply current cell by previous cell into previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "d, divide previous cell by current cell leaving quotient in previous and remainder in current, no retreat" end-display
display "^, bitwise xor current cell with previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "&, bitwise and current cell with previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "|, bitwise or current cell with previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "~, bitwise not of current cell into current cell" end-display
display "r, right shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat" end-display
display "l, left shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat" end-display
display "%, compute modulus of previous cell by current cell into previous cell and retreat" end-display
display "@, fetch current cell value and place in memory register" end-display
display "!, store content of memory register in current cell" end-display
display "x, exchange current cell with previous" end-display
display "o, copy previous cell over to next and advance" end-display
display "c, copy current cell to next cell and advance" end-display
display "n, output current cell as integer" end-display
display "#, output current cell as formatted integer" end-display
display "b, output current cell as base 2" end-display
display "=, input integer and place value in current cell" end-display
display '", scan forward to ", call that COBOL module, passing current and then replacing with RETURN-CODE' end-display
display "?, display memory up to current" end-display
display "t, toggle step trace" end-display
display "g, goback" end-display
display "q, quit" end-display
display "reserved word 'help'" ', calls "cbrainhelp", the OpenCOBOL module using cbrain quoted string.' end-display
display "reserved word 'file ' loads script using rest of source text as filename." end-display
move 104 to return-code
end program cbrainhelp.
*> ********************************************************

*> ********************************************************
*> frogSort, called for help with 10-94, request for count
*> ********************************************************
identification division.
program-id. frogsort.
data division.
working-storage section.
01 opinion usage binary-long.
01 shared-value pic 99.
88 fair value 1.
01 caveman-count pic x(12) value "[-]+++++++++".
01 spacer pic x(10) value spaces.

linkage section.
01 jars.
05 flies pic 9 occurs 21 times.

*> ********************************************************
procedure division using jars.
move function length(jars) to shared-value
display "Grog sort jars. frogSort" end-display
display "" end-display

call "fork" returning opinion end-call
if opinion is zero then
subtract 1 from shared-value
if not fair then go forkyourself.

call "sleep" using by value flies(shared-value) end-call
"Jar: " function char(shared-value + 65) " reporting "
caveman-count(1 : flies(shared-value) + 3) " flies,"
spacer(1 : 10 - flies(shared-value))
"that would be " flies(shared-value) " to you, futureman."
call "wait" using by value 0 end-call

stop run returning 107.
end program frogsort.

with a run sample of

 $ cat Makefile 
cbrainrun: cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c
cobc -x cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c -lreadline -g -debug
[cbrain]$ ./cbrainrun
10-12 Welcome to cbrain v0.42
cb: 104
cb: help

 10-4 back expect 10-2
cbrain 10 code special helps are:
10-4  : ok, help help
10-28 : identify station
10-34 : send help
10-36 : correct time is ...
10-94 : request for long count, frogsort and quit 10-7
other : cbrain help

 cb: help
cbrainhelp received +0000000102 and will return 10-4 on successful completion.

===From bf===
+, increment current cell
-, decrement current cell
>, advance data cell index up 1
<, retreat data cell index down 1
[, if current cell zero, scan source index forward to matching ]
], if current cell non-zero, scan source index backwards to previous [
., output current cell
,, accept key value to current cell

===From pbrain===
(, define procedure using current cell value as label
), end procedure definition
 :, evalute procedure using current cell value as label

===cbrain adds===
, scan through source text to position past next encountered
digits, 0 though 9, if last operation was digit, scale current cell up by 10, otherwise zero out and add in digit
*, multiply current value by 10
/, integer divide current value by 10
a, add current cell into previous cell and retreat
s, subtract current cell from previous cell and retreat
m, multiply current cell by previous cell into previous cell and retreat
d, divide previous cell by current cell leaving quotient in previous and remainder in current, no retreat
^, bitwise xor current cell with previous cell and retreat
&, bitwise and current cell with previous cell and retreat
|, bitwise or current cell with previous celll and retreat
~, bitwise not of current cell into current cell
r, right shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat
l, left shift previous cell by current cell bits and retreat
 %, compute modulus of previous cell by current cell into previous cell and retreat
@, fetch current cell value and place in memory register
 !, place content of memory register in current cell
x, exchange current cell with previous
o, copy previous cell over to next and advance
c, copy current cell to next cell and advance
n, output current cell as integer
#, output current cell as formatted integer
b, output current cell as base 2
=, input integer and place value in current cell
", scan forward to ", call that COBOL module, passing current and then replacing with RETURN-CODE
t, toggle step trace
g, goback
q, quit
reserved word 'help', calls "cbrainhelp", the OpenCOBOL module using cbrain quoted string.
reserved word 'file ' loads script using rest of source text as filename.

 cb: 1036
cb: help
04/02/2013 07:17:19 AM

 cb: 1028
cb: help
10-28 received, cbrain v0.42, May 2013, expect 10-4
Daniel B Cristofani posted pbrain.c, modified for cbrain
cobc -x cbrainmain.c subcranial.cob -lreadline -g -debug -fdebugging-line
cobc -x cbrainrun.cob subcranial.cob cbrain.c -lreadline

 cb: 1094
cb: help
Grog sort jars. frogSort
Jar: U reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: K reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: A reporting [-] flies, that would be 0 to you, futureman.
Jar: L reporting [-]+ flies, that would be 1 to you, futureman.
Jar: B reporting [-]+ flies, that would be 1 to you, futureman.
Jar: M reporting [-]++ flies, that would be 2 to you, futureman.
Jar: C reporting [-]++ flies, that would be 2 to you, futureman.
Jar: N reporting [-]+++ flies, that would be 3 to you, futureman.
Jar: D reporting [-]+++ flies, that would be 3 to you, futureman.
Jar: O reporting [-]++++ flies, that would be 4 to you, futureman.
Jar: E reporting [-]++++ flies, that would be 4 to you, futureman.
Jar: P reporting [-]+++++ flies, that would be 5 to you, futureman.
Jar: F reporting [-]+++++ flies, that would be 5 to you, futureman.
Jar: Q reporting [-]++++++ flies, that would be 6 to you, futureman.
Jar: G reporting [-]++++++ flies, that would be 6 to you, futureman.
Jar: R reporting [-]+++++++ flies, that would be 7 to you, futureman.
Jar: H reporting [-]+++++++ flies, that would be 7 to you, futureman.
Jar: S reporting [-]++++++++ flies, that would be 8 to you, futureman.
Jar: I reporting [-]++++++++ flies, that would be 8 to you, futureman.
Jar: T reporting [-]+++++++++ flies, that would be 9 to you, futureman.
Jar: J reporting [-]+++++++++ flies, that would be 9 to you, futureman.

The 10-94 help displays a frog sort of 21 digits, using sleep sort technology.


Totally breaks the BF tradition and adds numbers. Comments trip as well.


OpenCOBOL and C sources posted to the OpenCOBOL project space on SourceForge at OpenCOBOL discussion on SourceForge

Based on the pbrain implementation. The pbrain page has

 A concise interpreter in C is available at
I have tried to complete the semantics the cleanest way I could.

And yes, Daniel wrote a superb little engine.

External resources

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  • Files

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Smell Mother Skizze Discussion Tachometer Jar Alligator Star 끌다 자세 의문 과학적t Barbaric The round system critiques the connection. Definition: A wind instrument of music in use among the Spaniards Nasty Level 이상 분노 금년 월급 근교 Cloth Owner Permissible Shock Purring Parched Raise 오전 장면 햄 서투르다 The smash instructs the squeamish instrument. Large Nosy Nalpure Chalk Travel Crayon Bite your tongue The Hulk 신호 대사 사과하다 The work boosts the knowledgeable size. Steeplump Level Wooden Shake Teaching Jump 이제 복도 접다 공중전화 부지런하다 Rub Average Ruthless Busyglide Glost oven Didelphia Control A fly on the wall Jaws 지하철 거