Confusion about good reductionbad reduction for elliptic curvesDoes isomorphic generic fibre imply isomorphic special fibre for smooth morphisms?Lifting abelian varieties in (the closed fiber of) a fixed Neron modelExistence of proper integral models.Kernels and cokernels for morphisms of abelian schemes up to isogeniesUnderstanding of Tamagawa numbers of hyperelliptic curveReduction of torsion points on Neron ModelThe final step in the proof of Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich as in the paper of Serre-TateGood reduction of abelian varieties over valuation rings via coveringsAn abelian variety has good reduction $iff$ the Neron model is properSmooth proper variety over $mathbb Q$ with everywhere bad reductionThe space of integral liftings of a variety
Confusion about good reduction bad reduction for elliptic curvesDoes isomorphic generic fibre imply isomorphic special fibre for smooth morphisms?Lifting abelian varieties in (the closed fiber of) a fixed Neron modelExistence of proper integral models.Kernels and cokernels for morphisms of abelian schemes up to isogeniesUnderstanding of Tamagawa numbers of hyperelliptic curveReduction of torsion points on Neron ModelThe final step in the proof of Neron-Ogg-Shafarevich as in the paper of Serre-TateGood reduction of abelian varieties over valuation rings via coveringsAn abelian variety has good reduction $iff$ the Neron model is properSmooth proper variety over $mathbb Q$ with everywhere bad reductionThe space of integral liftings of a variety 3 $begingroup$ I am confused about the notion of good reduction. Let $R$ be a DVR, let $K$ be its fraction field. If we have a smooth proper $K$ -scheme $V$ , then I believe $V$ is said to have good reduction at the unique non-ze...