Why don't modern jet engines use forced exhaust mixing?Why did Boeing remove the engine chevrons on the 777-X?When is jet engine thrust maximum?How does turbofan engine performance depend on speed and density altutude?Do jet engine exhausts usually glow orange?How does contrail formation differ from turbofan to turbojet?How much thrust is lost due to the bleed air system?What noise reduction measures were taken in the time between hush kits and chevrons?How do aircraft engine manufacturers achieve a higher bypass ratio while still meeting the thrust requirements for a given aircraft?At what Mach Number do variable cycle engines (VCEs) start showing benefits over turbofans?What prevents DC-9 series aircraft from being reengined with more-efficient engines?Why are most turbofans tractors, but most propfans pushers?Does the P&W F100 turbofan engine of the F-16 really produce this much power?
Go to last file in vim Is there a fallacy about "appeal to 'big words'"? Output the list of musical notes Is the Microsoft recommendation to use C# properties applicable to game development? If a person claims to know anything could it be disproven by saying 'prove that we are not in a simulation'? What are the advantages of this gold finger shape? Locked room poison mystery! Why do my bicycle brakes get worse and feel more 'squishy" over time? How to use Palatino font for text and what about maths? When did Bilbo and Frodo learn that Gandalf was a Maia? When was "Fredo" an insult to Italian-Americans? Scam? Phone call from "Department of Social Security" asking me to call back Why aren't rockets built with truss structures inside their fuel & oxidizer tanks to increase structural strength? How would armour (and combat) change if the fighter didn't need to actually wear it? Suspension comprom...