Discrepancy regarding AoE point of origin between English and German PHBCan you choose not to affect yourself with area of effect spells?How does picking an origin for AOE spells work in an area that you cannot see?Does a fireball ignore total cover?What area does the Hallow spell actually cover?How tall is the Lightning Bolt spell?Can a charmed person harm their charmer with Burning Hands?How does orienting a cube-shaped spell work in three-dimensional space?Can I cast Thunderwave and be at the center of its bottom face, but not be affected by it?Is there a difference between cube areas-of-effect with Self or 5-feet ranges?How can I most clearly write a homebrew item that affects the ground below its radius after the initial explosion it creates?
Windows 10 deletes lots of tiny files super slowly. Anything that can be done to speed it up? Question about a degree 5 polynomial with no rational roots Maximize assigned tasks to each worker Beyond Futuristic Technology for an Alien Warship? Convert a string of digits from words to an integer A word that refers to saying something in an attempt to anger or embarrass someone into doing something that they don’t want to do? When did Unix stop storing passwords in clear text? Why is STARTTLS still used? Is there a relationship between prime numbers and music? How deep is the liquid in a half-full hemisphere? Which altitudes are safest for VFR? Concerning a relationship in the team GPLv3 forces us to make code available, but to who? What makes learning more difficult as we age? Is the illusion created by Invoke Duplicity affected by difficult terrain? Detail vs. filler What in my code changed between MacTeX 2017 and MacTex 2019? As a team leader is ...