Custom division symbolCustom acronyms via defVertical spacing between numerator and division symbol in dfracReplicate a typesetting of polynomial long divisionInsert custom space into documentSpace after symbol and the letters after the symbolAlmost normal subgroup symbolSpace before and after a character/symbolAnonymous division in memoir with small caps
How is the list of apps allowed to install another apps populated? Architectural feasibility of a tiered circular stone keep How would one country purchase another? Sun setting in East! Shouldn't the "credit score" prevent Americans from going deeper and deeper into personal debt? Non-visual Computers - thoughts? Is using a hyperlink to close a modal a poor design decision? See details of old sessions If all stars rotate, why was there a theory developed, that requires non-rotating stars? Why is Boris Johnson visiting only Paris & Berlin if every member of the EU needs to agree on a withdrawal deal? How to use "Du hast/ Du hattest'? What to say to a student who has failed? Why did MS-DOS applications built using Turbo Pascal fail to start with a division by zero error on faster systems? Would it be possible to have a GMO that produces chocolate? Why do banks “park” their money at the European Central Bank? Why did this happen to ...