
Showing posts from August 21, 2019

What is the difference between true neutral and unaligned?Can a PC be unaligned?What's the deal with alignment languages?Can a true neutral character cast spells affected by alignment?What is the difference between a god and a primordial?What is the difference between a god and demigod?Is my D&D 5e Homebrew Necrolyte Race Balanced?What is the difference between Simple and Martial weapons?

Would it be possible to have a GMO that produces chocolate? Is it possible to create a golf ball sized star? If I have a 16.67% fail rate (N=24) & I do another 24 tests, what is the likelihood that I get 0 fails by chance? What is this symbol: semicircles facing eachother Did the British navy fail to take into account the ballistics correction due to Coriolis force during WW1 Falkland Islands battle? What to say to a student who has failed? Can you help me understand Modes from the aspect of chord changes? Why aren't RCS openings an issue for spacecraft heat shields? Fried gnocchi with spinach, bacon, cream sauce in a single pan In an emergency, how do I find and share my position? Brexit and backstop: would changes require unanimous approval by all EU countries? Does Ireland hold a veto? How to avoid using System.String with Rfc2898DeriveBytes in C# Is a butterfly one or two animals? How to dismiss intrusive questions from a colleague with whom I don...