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Testudinidae Садржај Taksonomija Galerija Reference Literatura Spoljašnje veze Мени за навигацију10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v7.2014"Turtles and tortoises of the world during the rise and global spread of humanity: first checklist and review of extinct Pleistocene and Holocene chelonians"„Revision of the African tortoises and turtles of the suborder Cryptodira”„Notes on the genera of turtles (Oiacopodes), and especially on their skeletons and skulls”Testudinidae„Ancient mitochondrial DNA and morphology elucidate an extinct island radiation of Indian Ocean giant tortoises (Cylindraspis)”10889091174970410.1098/rspb.2001.1825„The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database cubit: The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database Extinct Reptiles: Geochelone burchardi”оригинала„The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database cubit: The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database Extinct Reptiles: Geochelone vulcanica”оригинала„XVI. On two new Genera of Land Tortoises”10.1111/j.1095-8339.1826.tb00122.x1055-79031182083910.1006/mpev.2001.1052TestudinidaeVikimedijinoj ostaviFamily Testudinidae (Tortoises)Tortoise Protection GroupCheloniaLive Tortoise Stream 81321TSTDF155597adc7faa-db64-4967-bf7f-fa98239bf70437739961840019102041173852NHMSYS000037578384872158611298342sh85134161


predatorakarapaksplastronkičmenjacimaramenskizdelični pojasidiurnalnekrepuskularneusamljeničkegalapagoske kornjačealdabranska džinovska kornjačaAdvejtatanzanijskaleopardska kornjačaOklandskog

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Из Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

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A. gigantea Aldabra Giant Tortoise.jpg

Aldabranska džinovska kornjača
(Aldabrachelys gigantea)

Naučna klasifikacija edit
Batsch, 1788

Tipska vrsta

Testudo graeca

Linnaeus, 1758

Testudinidae su familija kornjača u redu Testudines i podredu Cryptodira. Red Testudines ima četrnaest izumrlih porodica. Taj reptilski red je poznat kao kornjače. Podred Cryptodira (grčki: skriveni vrat) je podred Testudines koji sadrži većinu postojećih kornjača. Podred Cryptodira se razlikuje od Pluerodia (kornjače bočnog kretanja vrata) po tome što njegovi pripadnici spuštaju svoje vratove i povlače glave pravo unazad pod oklope, umesto da savijaju svoje vratove na stranu zajedno sa telom pod oklopom. Pripadnici reda Testudines su među najstarijim postojećim reptilima. Kornjače su zaštićene od predatora pomoću svog oklopa. Gornji deo oklopa se naziva karapaks, donji deo plastron, i oni su povezani mostom.

Karapaks je spojen s kičmom i grudnim košem, i kornjače su jedinsvene među kičmenjacima po tome što su ramenski i zdelični pojasi unutar grudnog kiša, umesto izvan. Kornjače mogu da variraju u pogledu dimenzija od nekoliko centimetara do dva metra. One su obično diurnalne životinje sa tendencijama da budu krepuskularne u zavisnosti od temperature okruženja. One su generalno usamljeničke životinje. Kornjače su najduže živeće postojeće kopnene životinje na svetu, mada je najduže živuća vrsta kornjača stvar rasprave. Za galapagoske kornjače je poznato da žive preko 150 godine, a jedna aldabranska džinovska kornjača nazvana Advejta je verovatno najduže živela sa procenjenih 255 godina. Generalno, većina vrsta kornjača može da živi 80–150 godina.


  • 1 Taksonomija

  • 2 Galerija

  • 3 Reference

  • 4 Literatura

  • 5 Spoljašnje veze


Ovaj spisak vrsta u velikoj meri sledi van Dajka et al. (2014)[1] i Rodina et al. (2015).[2]

Kostur kornjače

Kostur aldabranske džinovske kornjače nađen na Kazin ostrvu (Sejšeli).

Fosil izumrle Ergilemys insolitus

Achilemys cassouleti, najprimitivnija kornjača

Familija Testudinidae Batsch 1788[3]

  • Aldabrachelys Loveridge and Williams 1957:166[4]

    • Aldabrachelys gigantea, aAldabranska džinovska kornjača.

    • Aldabrachelys abrupta, kasni holocen, izumrla oko 1200

    • Aldabrachelys grandidieri, kasni holocen, izumrla oko 884

  • Astrochelys Gray, 1873:4[5]

    • Astrochelys radiata, zračena kornjača

    • Astrochelys yniphora, angonoka kornjača, (Madagaskarska) raona kornjača

  • Centrochelys Gray 1872:5[6]

    • Centrochelys atlantica

    • Centrochelys burchardi

    • Centrochelys marocana

    • Centrochelys robusta

    • Centrochelys sulcata, afrička mamuzna kornjača, salkata kornjača

    • Centrochelys vulcanica

  • Chelonoidis- Fitzinger} 1835:112[7]

    • Chelonoidis alburyorum Abako kornjača, kasni pleistocen, izumrla oko 550 pne.

    • Chelonoidis carbonaria, crvenonoga kornjača

    • Chelonoidis chilensis, čako kornjača, argentinska kornjača ili južna šumska kornjača

    • Chelonoidis cubensis

    • Chelonoidis denticulata, brazilska gigantska kornjača, žutonoga kornjača

    • Chelonoidis lutzae Licova gigantska kornjača, kasni pleistocen

    • Chelonoidis monensis

    • Chelonoidis nigra kompleks:[8]

      • Chelonoidis abingdonii, gigantksa kornjača sa Pinta ostrva, gigantksa kornjača sa Abingdon ostrva (izumrla)

      • Chelonoidis becki, gigantska kornjača sa Vulfovog vulkana, gigantska kornjača sa Kejp Berklija

      • Chelonoidis chathamensis, gigantska kornjača sa San Kristobala, gigantska kornjača sa Čatam ostrva

      • Chelonoidis darwini, gigantska kornjača San Salvadora, gigantska kornjača Džejmsovog ostrva

      • Chelonoidis duncanensis, gigantska kornjača Pinzona, gigantska kornjača Dankanovog ostrva

      • Chelonoidis hoodensis, gigantska kornjača Espanole, gigantska kornjača Hudovog ostrva

      • Chelonoidis nigra, gigantska kornjača Floreana, gigantska kornjača Čarlsovog ostrva (izumrla)

      • Chelonoidis phantastica, gigantska kornjača Fernandinskog ostrva (izumrla)

      • Chelonoidis porteri, gigantska kornjača sa Santa Kruza, gigantska kornjača sa Indefatigablovog ostrva

      • Chelonoidis vicina, gigantska kornjača sa Izabela ostrva, gigantska kornjača sa Albemarlovog ostrva

    • Chelonoidis sellovii gigantska kornjača južne kupe, pleistocen

    • Chelonoidis sombrerensis Sombrero gigantska kornjača, kasni pleistocen

  • Chersina Gray 1830:5

    • Chersina angulata, angulated kornjača, Južno Afrička bušprit kornjača

  • Cheirogaster Bergounioux 1935:78
    • Cheirogaster gymnesica kasni pliocen do ranog pleistocena

    • Cheirogaster schafferi}- pliocen do ranog pleistocena

  • Chersobius Fitzinger, 1835

    • Chersobius boulengeri, Karu padloper, Karu patuljasta kornjača

    • Chersobius signatus, pegava padloper kornjača

    • Chersobius solus, Nama padloper, Bergerova rtska kornjača

  • Cylindraspis Fitzinger 1835:112[7] (all species extinct) following Austin and Arnold, 2001:[9]

    • Cylindraspis indica, sinonim Cylindraspis borbonica, Reunion gigantska kornjača

    • Cylindraspis inepta, Mauricijuska giantska kornjača sedlastih leđa, ili Mauricijuska gigantska zasvođena kornjača

    • Cylindraspis peltastes, zasvođena Rodrigešova giantska kornjača

    • Cylindraspis triserrata, zasvođena Mauricijuska gigantska kornjača, ili Mauricijuska giantska kornjača ravne ljuske

    • Cylindraspis vosmaeri, Rodrigešova giantska kornjača sedlastih leđa

  • Geochelone Fitzinger 1835:112[7]

    • Geochelone burchardi Tenerife giant kornjača[10]

    • Geochelone vulcanica Gran Kanarijska giantska kornjača[11]

    • Geochelone elegans, indijska zvezdana kornjača

    • Geochelone platynota, burmanska zvezdana kornjača

    • Geochelone robusta malteška gigantska kornjača

  • Gopherus Rafinesque 1832:64[12]

    • Gopherus agassizii, kornjača Mohave pustinje

    • Gopherus berlandieri, teksaška kornjača, Berlandierova kornjača

    • Gopherus flavomarginatus, Bolsonova kornjača

    • Gopherus morafkai, kornjača Sonora pustinje, kornjača Morafka pustinje

    • Gopherus polyphemus, goferska kornjača

  • Hadrianus

    • Hadrianus corsoni (sin. H. octonarius)

    • Hadrianus robustus

    • Hadrianus schucherti

    • Hadrianus utahensis

  • Hesperotestudo
    • Hesperotestudo alleni

    • Hesperotestudo angusticeps

    • Hesperotestudo brontops

    • Hesperotestudo equicomes

    • Hesperotestudo impensa

    • Hesperotestudo incisa

    • Hesperotestudo johnstoni

    • Hesperotestudo kalganensis

    • Hesperotestudo niobrarensis

    • Hesperotestudo orthopygia

    • Hesperotestudo osborniana

    • Hesperotestudo percrassa

    • Hesperotestudo riggsi

    • Hesperotestudo tumidus

    • Hesperotestudo turgida

    • Hesperotestudo wilsoni

  • Homopus Duméril and Bibron 1834:357[13]

    • Homopus areolatus, obična padloper, kornjača papagajskog kljuna

    • Homopus femoralis, veliki padloper, velika patuljasta kornjača

  • Indotestudo Lindholm,}- 1929

    • Indotestudo elongata, izgužena kornjača, žutoglava kornjača

    • Indotestudo forstenii, Forstenska kornjača, istočno indijska kornjača

    • Indotestudo travancorica, travankorska kornjača

  • Kinixys

    • Kinixys belliana, kornjača kornjača pokretnih leđa

    • Kinixys erosa, šumska kornjača pokretnih leđa, reckasta kornjača pokretnih leđa

    • Kinixys homeana, Homova kornjača pokretnih leđa

    • Kinixys lobatsiana, Lobatsova kornjača pokretnih leđa

    • Kinixys natalensis, Natalova kornjača pokretnih leđa

    • Kinixys spekii, Spekeova kornjača pokretnih leđa

  • Malacochersus Lindholm 1929:285[14]

    • Malacochersus tornieri, palančinkasta kornjača

  • Manouria Gray 1854:133[15]

    • Manouria emys, azijska gigantska kornjača, smeđa kornjača (planinska kornjača)

    • Manouria impressa, utisnuta kornjača

  • Megalochelys Falconer, H. and Cautley, P.T. 1837.[16]

    • Megalochelys atlas, Atlas kornjača, izumrla – pliocen do pleistocena

    • Megalochelys cautleyi, Katlijeva gigantska kornjača

  • Psammobates Fitzinger 1835:113[7]

    • Psammobates geometricus, geometrijska kornjača

    • Psammobates oculifer, izreckana šatorksa kornjača, Kalahari šatorska kornjača

    • Psammobates tentorius, afrička šatorska kornjača

  • Pyxis Bell}- 1827:395[17]

    • Pyxis arachnoides, (madagaskarska) paučna kornjača

    • Pyxis planicauda, paučna kornjača ravnih leđa

  • Stigmochelys Gray, 1873

    • Stigmochelys pardalis, leopardska kornjača

  • Stylemys (izumro rod)
    • Stylemys botti

    • Stylemys calaverensis

    • Stylemys canetotiana

    • Stylemys capax

    • Stylemys conspecta

    • Stylemys copei

    • Stylemys emiliae

    • Stylemys frizaciana

    • Stylemys karakolensis

    • Stylemys nebrascensis (syn. S. amphithorax)

    • Stylemys neglectus

    • Stylemys oregonensis

    • Stylemys pygmea

    • Stylemys uintensis

    • Stylemys undabuna

  • Agrionemys

    • Agrionemys horsfieldii, ruska kornjača

  • Testudo

    • Testudo graeca, grčka kornjača

    • Testudo hermanni, Hermanova kornjača

    • Testudo kleinmanni, egipatska kornjača, uključujući Negevu kornjaču

    • Testudo marginata, marginirana kornjača



  1. ^ Turtle Taxonomy Working Group: van Dijk, P.P., Iverson, J.B., Rhodin, A.G.J., Shaffer, H.B., and Bour, R. (2014). Turtles of the World, 7th edition: annotated checklist of taxonomy, synonymy, distribution with maps, and conservation status. In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Iverson, J.B., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(7):000.329–479 doi:10.3854/crm.5.000.checklist.v7.2014.

  2. ^ Turtle Extinctions Working Group: Rhodin, A.G.J., Thomson, S., Georgalis, G., Karl, H.-V., Danilov, I.G., Takahashi, A., de la Fuente, M.S., Bourque, J.R., Delfino, M., Bour, R., Iverson, J.B., Shaffer, H.B., and van Dijk, P.P. (2015). "Turtles and tortoises of the world during the rise and global spread of humanity: first checklist and review of extinct Pleistocene and Holocene chelonians". Chelonian Research Monographs. 5(8):000e.1–66.

  3. ^ Batsch, A.J.G.C. (1788). Versuch einer Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Geschichte der Thiere und Mineralien. Erster Theil. Allgemeine Geschichte der Natur; besondre der Säugthiere, Vögel, Amphibien und Fische. Jena: Akademischen Buchandlung, 528 pp.

  4. ^ Loveridge, Arthur; Williams, Ernest E. (1957). „Revision of the African tortoises and turtles of the suborder Cryptodira”. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 115 (6): 163—557. 

  5. ^ Gray, John Edward (1873). „Notes on the genera of turtles (Oiacopodes), and especially on their skeletons and skulls”. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 395—411. 

  6. ^ Gray, John Edward. (1872). "Appendix to the Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Testudinata (Tortoises)". London: British Museum, 28 pp.

  7. 7,07,17,27,3 Fitzinger, Leopold J. (1835). „Entwurf einer systematischen Anordnung der Schildkröten nach den Grundsätzen der natürlichen Methode”. Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte. 1: 105—128. 

  8. ^ Testudinidae, The Reptile Database

  9. ^ Austin, J. J.; Nicholas Arnold, E. (2001). „Ancient mitochondrial DNA and morphology elucidate an extinct island radiation of Indian Ocean giant tortoises (Cylindraspis)”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 268 (1485): 2515—23. PMC 1088909 Слободан приступ. PMID 11749704. doi:10.1098/rspb.2001.1825. 

  10. ^ „The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database cubit: The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database Extinct Reptiles: Geochelone burchardi”. Архивирано из оригинала на датум 19. 06. 2016. Приступљено 04. 01. 2019. 

  11. ^ „The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database cubit: The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database Extinct Reptiles: Geochelone vulcanica”. Архивирано из оригинала на датум 24. 06. 2016. Приступљено 04. 01. 2019. 

  12. ^ Rafinesque, Constantine Samuel (1832). „Description of two new genera of soft shell turtles of North America”. Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge. 1: 64—65. 

  13. ^ Duméril, André Marie Constant and Bibron, Gab riel. 1834. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Tome Premier. Paris: Roret, 439 pp.

  14. ^ Lindholm, Wassili A. (1929). „Revidiertes Verzeichnis der Gattungen der rezenten Schildkröten nebst Notizen zur Nomenklatur einiger Arten”. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 81: 275—295. 

  15. ^ Gray, John Edward (1834). „Characters of several new species of freshwater tortoises (Emys) from India and China”. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 2: 53—54. 

  16. ^ Falconer, H.; Cautley, P.T. (1837). „On additional fossil species of the order Quadrumana from the Siwalik Hills”. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. 6: 354—360. 

  17. ^ Bell, T. (1827). „XVI. On two new Genera of Land Tortoises” (PDF). Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 15 (2): 392—401. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.1826.tb00122.x. 


  • Chambers, Paul (2004). A Sheltered Life: The Unexpected History of the Giant Tortoise. London: John Murray. ISBN 978-0-7195-6528-1. 

  • Ernst, C. H.; Barbour, R. W. (1989). Turtles of the World. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 

  • Gerlach, Justin (2004). Giant Tortoises of the Indian Ocean. Frankfurt: Chimiara. 

  • van, Antoinette C. der Kuyl; Donato L. Ph. Ballasina; Dekker, John T.; Jolanda Maas; Willemsen, Ronald E.; Jaap Goudsmit (фебруар 2002). „Phylogenetic Relationships among the Species of the Genus Testudo (Testudines: Testudinidae) Inferred from Mitochondrial 12S rRNA Gene Sequences”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 22 (2): 174—183. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 11820839. doi:10.1006/mpev.2001.1052. CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)

Spoljašnje veze

  • Family Testudinidae (Tortoises), The Reptile Database

  • Tortoise Protection Group, Tortoise conservation information

  • Chelonia: Conservation and care of turtles.

  • Live Tortoise Stream : Live Tortoise Stream

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Data for the year 2010.„Israel's accession to the OECD”Popular Opinion„On the Move”Hosea 12:5„Walking the Bible Timeline”„Palestine: History”„Return to Zion”An invention called 'the Jewish people' – Haaretz – Israel NewsoriginalJewish and Non-Jewish Population of Palestine-Israel (1517–2004)ImmigrationJewishvirtuallibrary.orgChapter One: The Heralders of Zionism„The birth of modern Israel: A scrap of paper that changed history”„League of Nations: The Mandate for Palestine, 24 iulie 1922”The Population of Palestine Prior to 1948originalBackground Paper No. 47 (ST/DPI/SER.A/47)History: Foreign DominationTwo Hundred and Seventh Plenary Meeting„Israel (Labor Zionism)”Population, by Religion and Population GroupThe Suez CrisisAdolf EichmannJustice Ministry Reply to Amnesty International Report„The Interregnum”Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs – The Palestinian National Covenant- July 1968Research on terrorism: trends, achievements & failuresThe Routledge Atlas of the Arab–Israeli conflict: The Complete History of the Struggle and the Efforts to Resolve It"George Habash, Palestinian Terrorism Tactician, Dies at 82."„1973: Arab states attack Israeli forces”Agranat Commission„Has Israel Annexed East Jerusalem?”original„After 4 Years, Intifada Still Smolders”From the End of the Cold War to 2001originalThe Oslo Accords, 1993Israel-PLO Recognition – Exchange of Letters between PM Rabin and Chairman Arafat – Sept 9- 1993Foundation for Middle East PeaceSources of Population Growth: Total Israeli Population and Settler Population, 1991–2003original„Israel marks Rabin assassination”The Wye River Memorandumoriginal„West Bank barrier route disputed, Israeli missile kills 2”"Permanent Ceasefire to Be Based on Creation Of Buffer Zone Free of Armed Personnel Other than UN, Lebanese Forces"„Hezbollah kills 8 soldiers, kidnaps two in offensive on northern border”„Olmert confirms peace talks with Syria”„Battleground Gaza: Israeli ground forces invade the strip”„IDF begins Gaza troop withdrawal, hours after ending 3-week offensive”„THE LAND: Geography and Climate”„Area of districts, sub-districts, natural regions and lakes”„Israel - Geography”„Makhteshim Country”Israel and the Palestinian Territories„Makhtesh Ramon”„The Living Dead Sea”„Temperatures reach record high in Pakistan”„Climate Extremes In Israel”Israel in figures„Deuteronom”„JNF: 240 million trees planted since 1901”„Vegetation of Israel and Neighboring Countries”Environmental Law in Israel„Executive branch”„Israel's election process explained”„The Electoral System in Israel”„Constitution for Israel”„All 120 incoming Knesset members”„Statul ISRAEL”„The Judiciary: The Court System”„Israel's high court unique in region”„Israel and the International Criminal Court: A Legal Battlefield”„Localities and population, by population group, district, sub-district and natural region”„Israel: Districts, Major Cities, Urban Localities & Metropolitan Areas”„Israel-Egypt Relations: Background & Overview of Peace Treaty”„Solana to Haaretz: New Rules of War Needed for Age of Terror”„Israel's Announcement Regarding Settlements”„United Nations Security Council Resolution 497”„Security Council resolution 478 (1980) on the status of Jerusalem”„Arabs will ask U.N. to seek razing of Israeli wall”„Olmert: Willing to trade land for peace”„Mapping Peace between Syria and Israel”„Egypt: Israel must accept the land-for-peace formula”„Israel: Age structure from 2005 to 2015”„Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990–2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition”10.1016/S0140-6736(15)61340-X„World Health Statistics 2014”„Life expectancy for Israeli men world's 4th highest”„Family Structure and Well-Being Across Israel's Diverse Population”„Fertility among Jewish and Muslim Women in Israel, by Level of Religiosity, 1979-2009”„Israel leaders in birth rate, but poverty major challenge”„Ethnic Groups”„Israel's population: Over 8.5 million”„Israel - Ethnic groups”„Jews, by country of origin and age”„Minority Communities in Israel: Background & Overview”„Israel”„Language in Israel”„Selected Data from the 2011 Social Survey on Mastery of the Hebrew Language and Usage of Languages”„Religions”„5 facts about Israeli Druze, a unique religious and ethnic group”„Israël”Israel Country Study Guide„Haredi city in Negev – blessing or curse?”„New town Harish harbors hopes of being more than another Pleasantville”„List of localities, in alphabetical order”„Muncitorii români, doriți în Israel”„Prietenia româno-israeliană la nevoie se cunoaște”„The Higher Education System in Israel”„Middle East”„Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016”„Israel”„Israel”„Jewish Nobel Prize Winners”„All Nobel Prizes in Literature”„All Nobel Peace Prizes”„All Prizes in Economic Sciences”„All Nobel Prizes in Chemistry”„List of Fields Medallists”„Sakharov Prize”„Țara care și-a sfidat "destinul" și se bate umăr la umăr cu Silicon Valley”„Apple's R&D center in Israel grew to about 800 employees”„Tim Cook: Apple's Herzliya R&D center second-largest in world”„Lecții de economie de la Israel”„Land use”Israel Investment and Business GuideA Country Study: IsraelCentral Bureau of StatisticsFlorin Diaconu, „Kadima: Flexibilitate și pragmatism, dar nici un compromis în chestiuni vitale", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 71-72Florin Diaconu, „Likud: Dreapta israeliană constant opusă retrocedării teritoriilor cureite prin luptă în 1967", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 73-74MassadaIsraelul a crescut in 50 de ani cât alte state intr-un mileniuIsrael Government PortalIsraelIsraelIsraelmmmmmXX451232cb118646298(data)4027808-634110000 0004 0372 0767n7900328503691455-bb46-37e3-91d2-cb064a35ffcc1003570400564274ge1294033523775214929302638955X146498911146498911

Кастелфранко ди Сопра Становништво Референце Спољашње везе Мени за навигацију43°37′18″ СГШ; 11°33′32″ ИГД / 43.62156° СГШ; 11.55885° ИГД / 43.62156; 11.5588543°37′18″ СГШ; 11°33′32″ ИГД / 43.62156° СГШ; 11.55885° ИГД / 43.62156; 11.558853179688„The GeoNames geographical database”„Istituto Nazionale di Statistica”проширитиууWorldCat156923403n850174324558639-1cb14643287r(подаци)