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Timura n Asya

s taɛebrittaɛrabttaɛebrittaɛrabtumalu n umenẓaw Asyailel agrakalLubnanSuryaUrdunMaserUrdunilel amettanudayenaɛrabeninselmenineṣriyenidruzenisamariyentasfift n Ɣezzatama tanẓulittama turdunitTamurt n Israyeludayenamgaru amedlan amenzutametti n iɣlanenwegmuḍ alemmasFalaṣṭinibritaniyenudayen1947iɣlanen i dduklen14 magu1948iɣlanen i dduklenMaserUrduntugdut timgensestangaraw awamniKnesettis 44taneflit talsanttilelli n tifeffegtUrcalimtadamsatiẓrafTel Avivaẓru n MerenptahƐisaTagelda n IsrayelilluYeɛqubIlluMasertaseɣrut n’uzarug n awanek n Israyel1948Tamurt n IsraylTuratIlluTheodor HerzltaṣionitFalesṭinTturk1948Langliztuddsa n iɣlanen i dduklenU.Ɣ.Dtuddsa n iɣlanen i dduklentutlayt tunṣibt1967MaṣerTiran19731948


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Flag of Israel.svgEmblem of Israel.svg
parliamentary republic Suqel
Ixef n tmurt
Reuven Rivlin Suqel
Tutlayin timaddudin
Taɛebrit akked Taɛrabt

LocationIsrael.svg akked Israel (orthographic projection) with disputed territories.svg
20770 km²
Tilisa yakk d
Surya, Urdun, Maṣer, Lubnan, Palestinian territories Suqel, Qubrus, Gaza Strip Suqel, West Bank Suqel akked United Arab Republic Suqel
8,891,800 imezdaɣ. (Yulyu 2018)
428.11 imezdaɣ/km²
Isallen n iden
inki imiran
Israel time zone Suqel akked Israel Summer Time Suqel
Internet TLD
.il Suqel
Angal amaɣwal
Cekel amaynut

Israyel (s taɛebrit יִשְרָאֵל‎, Yisra'el; s taɛrabt: إسرائيل‎, Isrā'īl) isem ines unṣib Awanek n Israyel (s taɛebrit: מְדִינַת יִשְרָאֵל‎ , Medinat Yisra'el; s taɛrabt: دَوْلَةْ إِسْرَائِيل‎, Dawlat Isrā'īl), tamurt tezgad g umalu n umenẓaw Asya d rrif asammer n ilel agrakal, tesɛa tilas d Lubnan s ugafa, Surya s ugafa asammer, s usammer Urdun, s unzul asammer Maser , yezgad gar-as d tamurt n l’Urdun ilel amettan , Awanek n Israyel d yiwen awanek uday kan i yellan g ddunit, ulac wayed am netta, tajumma ines mectuḥet maca llan g-yes tigwti n udayen d tadersi n waɛraben inselmen, ineṣriyen, idruzen d isamariyen. Llant daɣen tasfift n Ɣezza d tama tanẓulit neɣ tama turdunit.

Awanek atrar n Israyel mɣind iẓuran-is s takti n Tamurt n Israyel (Eretz Ysra’el) i g-yellan g’allaɣ n udayen g azal n 3000 iseggasen deqqal amgaru amedlan amenzu, tametti n iɣlanen teǧǧad l'eḥkem n wegmuḍ alemmas d Falaṣṭin ger ifasen n ibritaniyen bac ad xleq axxam aɣelnaw i-udayen, g useggas n 1947, iɣlanen i dduklen bḍan tamurt n Falesṭin ɣef sin iwanaken, yiwen awanek uday, wayed aɛrab, g 14 magu 1948 teḍra taseɣrut n uzarug n awanek n Israyel s umtawa n iɣlanen i dduklen, deqqal-is krend iɛraben s umgaru mgal udayen axater ugin ad qeblen azarug n awanek n Israyel, rnan imgura nniden maca Israyliyen rebḥen g yal imenɣiyen, rnan sbaɛden tilas isen tefkan iɣlanen idduklen uqbel, g’imir nni udayen d iɛraben kecmen g yiwen azenzab n imenɣiyen ur yetfak
Tezmel Israyel imtawayen n telwit akk d timura n Maser d Urdun
Awanek n Israyel yewweḍ ɣef kra imanzyen am tugdut timgensest, angaraw awamni, afran amegradi, Aneglaf amenzu d netta i gellan ixxef n unabad akk d l Kneset.
Tadamasa taɣelnawt n Israyel tella tis 44 g ddunit, taneflit talsant, tilelli n tifeffegt. Urcalim d tamdint tamaneɣt d tamdint i meqqren deg Israyel, din i yella asutel n unabad maca ammas n tadamsa d tiẓraf yella g tamdint n Tel Aviv.


  • 1 Isem

  • 2 Amezruy

    • 2.1 Iẓuran imezwura

    • 2.2 Taṣiyunit

    • 2.3 Azarug

  • 3 Tasertit

Isem |

Issem n Israyil ybined i tikkelt tamenzut g aẓru n Merenptah g useggas 1200 uqbel talalit n Ɛisa, issem agi yella d win n Tagelda n Israyel tamzikit.
Issem n Israyil d yessem i s-yefka illu i Yeɛqub ass mi yennuɣ ar tama n lmalayek n Illu anamek ines « win innuɣen ar tama n Illu »
Yeɛqub d babas n 12 n tiqbilin i yeffɣen s Maser imir semmanten arraw n Israyel neɣ « Israyliten »
G taseɣrut n’uzarug n awanek n Israyel id ixelqen g’useggas n 1948 yettef issem n Israyel yeǧǧa issmawen niḍen am Ṣehyun, Tudayt (Judea).

Amezruy |

Iẓuran imezwura |

Tamurt n Israyl (awal-agi itwassen s tɛebrit s Erets Yisrael) yella kra i sɛan azal ameqqran ɣur udayen; g Turat yura belli Illu yefkad amiru i udayen bac asen-yefk tamurt n Israyel faken a tili tamurt-nsen neg axxam-nsen


Taṣiyunit |

Teodor Herzel Bbas n awanek uday

Azarug |

Beṭṭu n 1947

Deg lqern 19, akk d Theodor Herzl yexleq taṣionit (Ṣionism) : udayen bɣan a d-uɣalen ɣer tmurt taneṣlit-nsen. Assmi kksen yingliziyen Falesṭin seg ifassen n Tturk, udayen zemren ad ruḥen ɣer Falesṭin, uɣen-d akal seg weɛraben, bnan u zedɣen.

Di 1948, Langliz teffeɣ-d seg falesṭin, tuddsa n iɣlanen i dduklen U.Ɣ.D (l'ONU) tegzem akal-agi di sin :

  • Tamurt n Falesṭin ideg zedɣen 99% aɛraven.

  • Tamurt n Israyel ideg zedɣen 55% udayen.

Udayen qeblen, aɛraben ugin beṭṭu-yagi, 7 timura n weɛraben ttnaɣen akk d tmurt tamaynut n wudayen : Israyel terbeḥ imenɣ (lgirra), terbeḥ akal s wazal n 28% kter n wayen i-ten-id-ifkan tuddsa n iɣlanen i dduklen(l'ONU). Kra n weɛraben i yellan deg Israyel rewlen, meɛna kra qqimen: tutlayt-nsen tutlayt tunṣibt. Akk udayen i yellan deg tamurt n Falesṭin rewlen ɣer Israyel.

G 1967, tskker Maṣer abrid n lebḥer n Tiran, ihi Israyel tebda lgirra amgal Maṣer, timura n weɛraben nniḍen bɣan ad ɛawnen Maṣer meɛna akk xesren, Israyel terbeḥ daɣen kter akal.

G 1973, aɛraben xeddmen lgirra tikkelt nniḍen akk d Israyel, meɛna xesren daɣen : lgirra d wakal. Israyel tuɣal-d tameqqrant zdat Israyel n 1948.

Tasertit |

L'Kneset amni n Israyel

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