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more...Dakubo JGogichaishvili TGolden NIzurieta MKhamis HKomolafe ELoría-Castellanos JMejía-Mantilla JMiranda JMuñoz AMutiso VOkwen POrtiz ZPascual MRavi RRoslani ATrenkler SVolpi AYutthakasemsunt SRoberts IShakur HPerel PBarnetson LRamos MCook LKawahara TBalogun EBerle MBarrow CBrady TRubery CWayte JTo CFranklin IChaudhry BCoats TDeakin CGoodacre SHunt BMeddings DPeto RRoberts ISandercock PRoberts IShakur HCoats TEdwards PHunt BRamos MCollins RGrant AMyburgh JBaxter AOlldashi FKerçi MZhurda TRuçi KBanushi ATraverso MSJiménez JBalbi JDellera CSvampa SQuintana GPiñero GTeves JSeppelt IMountain DBalogh ZZaman MDruwé PRutsaert RMazairac GPascal FYvette ZChancellin DOkwen PDjokam-Liapoe JJangwa EMbuagbaw LFointama NPascal NBaillie FJiang JYGao GYBao YHMorales CSierra JNaranjo SCorrea CGómez CHerrera JCaicedo LRojas APastas HMiranda HConstaín APerdomo MMuñoz DDuarte AVásquez EOrtiz CAyala BDelgado HBenavides GRosero LMejía-Mantilla JVarela ACalle MCastillo JGarcía ACiro CVilla CPanesso RFlórez LGallego APuentes-Manosalva FMedina LMárquez KRomero ARHernández RMartínez JGualteros WUrbina ZVelandia JBenítez FTrochez AVillarreal APabón PDelgado HLópez HQuintero LRubiano ATamayo JPiñera MNavarro ZRondón DBujan BPalacios LMartínez DHernández YFernández YCasola EDelgado RHerrera CArbolaéz MDomínguez MIraola MRojas OEnseñat APastrana IRodríguez Dde la Campa SAFortún TLarrea MAragón LMadrazo ASvoboda PIzurieta MDaccach AAltamirano MOrtega ACárdenas BGonzález LOchoa MOrtega FQuichimbo FGuiñanzaca JZavala ISegura SJerez JAcosta DYánez FCamacho RKhamis HShafei HKheidr ANasr HMosaad MRizk SEl Sayed HMoati THokkam EAmin MLowis HFawzy MBedir NAldars MRodríguez VTobar JAlvarenga JShalamberidze BDemuria ERtveliashvili NChutkerashvili GDotiashvili DGogichaishvili TIngorokva GKazaishvili DMelikidze BIashvili NTomadze GChkhikvadze MKhurtsidze LLomidze ZDzagania DKvachadze NGotsadze GKaloiani VKajaia NDakubo JNaaeder SSowah PYusuf AIshak ASelasi-Sefenu PSibiri BSarpong-Peprah SBoro TBopaiah KShetty KSubbiah RMulla LDoshi ADewan YGrewal STripathy PMathew JGupta BLal AChoudhury MGupta SGupta SChug APamidimukkala VJagannath PMaharaj MVommi RGudipati NChhang WHPatel PSuthar NBanker DPatel JDharap SKamble RPatkar SLohiya SSaraf RKumar DParihar SGupta RMangual RAlagumuthuKooper DMohapatra CDavid SRajaleelan WAppasPangi ASaraf VChikareddy SMankar SGolhar ASakhare RWagh NLal AHazarika DChaudhuri PKetan PPurohit GPurohit YPandya MGupta RKiran SWalia SGoyal SGoyal SGoyal SGupta SAttri ASharma ROberai AOberai MOberoi STripathi GKPeettakkandy VKaruthillath PVadakammuriyil PPol JPol SSaste MRaul STiwari SNelly NChidambaram MKollengode VThampan SRajan SRajan SRaju SSharma RBabu SVSumathi CChatterjee PAgarwal AMagar HMagar MSingh MGupta DLal AHaloi KSagdeo VGiri PVerma NJariwala RGoti APrabhu-Gaonkar AUtagi SJoshi MAgrawal RSharma GSaini GTewari VYadav YParihar VVenkataramana NRao SReddy NChander SGHathila VDas VAgaja KPurohit ALahari ABhagchandani RVidyasagar BSachan PKDas TVyas SBhattacharjee SSancheti PManoj TMoideen MPansey KChandrasekaran VPSaikia KTata HVhora SShah ARangad GRajasekaran SShankarlal STDevadoss SSaleem MPillay HHazarika ZDeshmukh PMurugappan SPJaiswal AVangani DModha PChonzik CPraveen MSethurayar VIpe SShetty NShah AGupta RPJain VShah KDwikoryanto MGolden NAtmadjaya KWiargitha KSudiasa KSuwedagatha GBal'afif FBudipramana VTabraniLemuel AChandra SAma FSherafatkazemzadeh EMoradi ESheikhi AZiaee AFanaei AHajinasrollah EAmini AMohammad BHadi NPerone Gde Peri EVolpi AJohnson JAbe MMutiso VOkanga BOjuka DAbdullah BRahman HNoh YJamaluddin SDawal HRoslani ALaw CWDevashanti PWahab YVelaiutham SDato RLoría JMontes EGómez ECazales VBautista PBautista RAhumada DHernández EVelásquez GOrtega PLira GEstrada FMartínez JMartínez JCasasola JOlaomi OAbubakar YApollo KBadejo OIhekire OIribhogbe POludiran OObeta EOkojie CUdefiagbon EKomolafe EOlaleye PUzochukwu TOnakpoya UDongo AUhunmwagho OEighemerio EMorgan EThanni LAfolabi AAkinola TAdemola AAkute 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DLloyd SBurdett-Smith PMirza KWebster ABrady SGrocutt AThurston JLecky FGoodacre SMulla YSakala DChengo CNCT00375258

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Lancet. 2010 Jul 3;376(9734):23-32. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60835-5. Epub 2010 Jun 14.

Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant haemorrhage (CRASH-2): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.

CRASH-2 trial collaborators, Shakur H, Roberts I, Bautista R, Caballero J, Coats T, Dewan Y, El-Sayed H, Gogichaishvili T, Gupta S, Herrera J, Hunt B, Iribhogbe P, Izurieta M, Khamis H, Komolafe E, Marrero MA, Mejía-Mantilla J, Miranda J, Morales C, Olaomi O, Olldashi F, Perel P, Peto R, Ramana PV, Ravi RR, Yutthakasemsunt S.

Collaborators (570)

Dakubo J, Gogichaishvili T, Golden N, Izurieta M, Khamis H, Komolafe E, Loría-Castellanos J, Mejía-Mantilla J, Miranda J, Muñoz A, Mutiso V, Okwen P, Ortiz Z, Pascual M, Ravi R, Roslani A, Trenkler S, Volpi A, Yutthakasemsunt S, Roberts I, Shakur H, Perel P, Barnetson L, Ramos M, Cook L, Kawahara T, Balogun E, Berle M, Barrow C, Brady T, Rubery C, Wayte J, To C, Franklin I, Chaudhry B, Coats T, Deakin C, Goodacre S, Hunt B, Meddings D, Peto R, Roberts I, Sandercock P, Roberts I, Shakur H, Coats T, Edwards P, Hunt B, Ramos M, Collins R, Grant A, Myburgh J, Baxter A, Olldashi F, Kerçi M, Zhurda T, Ruçi K, Banushi A, Traverso MS, Jiménez J, Balbi J, Dellera C, Svampa S, Quintana G, Piñero G, Teves J, Seppelt I, Mountain D, Balogh Z, Zaman M, Druwé P, Rutsaert R, Mazairac G, Pascal F, Yvette Z, Chancellin D, Okwen P, Djokam-Liapoe J, Jangwa E, Mbuagbaw L, Fointama N, Pascal N, Baillie F, Jiang JY, Gao GY, Bao YH, Morales C, Sierra J, Naranjo S, Correa C, Gómez C, Herrera J, Caicedo L, Rojas A, Pastas H, Miranda H, Constaín A, Perdomo M, Muñoz D, Duarte A, Vásquez E, Ortiz C, Ayala B, Delgado H, Benavides G, Rosero L, Mejía-Mantilla J, Varela A, Calle M, Castillo J, García A, Ciro C, Villa C, Panesso R, Flórez L, Gallego A, Puentes-Manosalva F, Medina L, Márquez K, Romero AR, Hernández R, Martínez J, Gualteros W, Urbina Z, Velandia J, Benítez F, Trochez A, Villarreal A, Pabón P, Delgado H, López H, Quintero L, Rubiano A, Tamayo J, Piñera M, Navarro Z, Rondón D, Bujan B, Palacios L, Martínez D, Hernández Y, Fernández Y, Casola E, Delgado R, Herrera C, Arbolaéz M, Domínguez M, Iraola M, Rojas O, Enseñat A, Pastrana I, Rodríguez D, de la Campa SA, Fortún T, Larrea M, Aragón L, Madrazo A, Svoboda P, Izurieta M, Daccach A, Altamirano M, Ortega A, Cárdenas B, González L, Ochoa M, Ortega F, Quichimbo F, Guiñanzaca J, Zavala I, Segura S, Jerez J, Acosta D, Yánez F, Camacho R, Khamis H, Shafei H, Kheidr A, Nasr H, Mosaad M, Rizk S, El Sayed H, Moati T, Hokkam E, Amin M, Lowis H, Fawzy M, Bedir N, Aldars M, Rodríguez V, Tobar J, Alvarenga J, Shalamberidze B, Demuria E, Rtveliashvili N, Chutkerashvili G, Dotiashvili D, Gogichaishvili T, Ingorokva G, Kazaishvili D, Melikidze B, Iashvili N, Tomadze G, Chkhikvadze M, Khurtsidze L, Lomidze Z, Dzagania D, Kvachadze N, Gotsadze G, Kaloiani V, Kajaia N, Dakubo J, Naaeder S, Sowah P, Yusuf A, Ishak A, Selasi-Sefenu P, Sibiri B, Sarpong-Peprah S, Boro T, Bopaiah K, Shetty K, Subbiah R, Mulla L, Doshi A, Dewan Y, Grewal S, Tripathy P, Mathew J, Gupta B, Lal A, Choudhury M, Gupta S, Gupta S, Chug A, Pamidimukkala V, Jagannath P, Maharaj M, Vommi R, Gudipati N, Chhang WH, Patel P, Suthar N, Banker D, Patel J, Dharap S, Kamble R, Patkar S, Lohiya S, Saraf R, Kumar D, Parihar S, Gupta R, Mangual R, Alagumuthu, Kooper D, Mohapatra C, David S, Rajaleelan W, Appas, Pangi A, Saraf V, Chikareddy S, Mankar S, Golhar A, Sakhare R, Wagh N, Lal A, Hazarika D, Chaudhuri P, Ketan P, Purohit G, Purohit Y, Pandya M, Gupta R, Kiran S, Walia S, Goyal S, Goyal S, Goyal S, Gupta S, Attri A, Sharma R, Oberai A, Oberai M, Oberoi S, Tripathi GK, Peettakkandy V, Karuthillath P, Vadakammuriyil P, Pol J, Pol S, Saste M, Raul S, Tiwari S, Nelly N, Chidambaram M, Kollengode V, Thampan S, Rajan S, Rajan S, Raju S, Sharma R, Babu SV, Sumathi C, Chatterjee P, Agarwal A, Magar H, Magar M, Singh M, Gupta D, Lal A, Haloi K, Sagdeo V, Giri P, Verma N, Jariwala R, Goti A, Prabhu-Gaonkar A, Utagi S, Joshi M, Agrawal R, Sharma G, Saini G, Tewari V, Yadav Y, Parihar V, Venkataramana N, Rao S, Reddy N, Chander SG, Hathila V, Das V, Agaja K, Purohit A, Lahari A, Bhagchandani R, Vidyasagar B, Sachan PK, Das T, Vyas S, Bhattacharjee S, Sancheti P, Manoj T, Moideen M, Pansey K, Chandrasekaran VP, Saikia K, Tata H, Vhora S, Shah A, Rangad G, Rajasekaran S, Shankarlal ST, Devadoss S, Saleem M, Pillay H, Hazarika Z, Deshmukh P, Murugappan SP, Jaiswal A, Vangani D, Modha P, Chonzik C, Praveen M, Sethurayar V, Ipe S, Shetty N, Shah A, Gupta RP, Jain V, Shah K, Dwikoryanto M, Golden N, Atmadjaya K, Wiargitha K, Sudiasa K, Suwedagatha G, Bal'afif F, Budipramana V, Tabrani, Lemuel A, Chandra S, Ama F, Sherafatkazemzadeh E, Moradi E, Sheikhi A, Ziaee A, Fanaei A, Hajinasrollah E, Amini A, Mohammad B, Hadi N, Perone G, de Peri E, Volpi A, Johnson J, Abe M, Mutiso V, Okanga B, Ojuka D, Abdullah B, Rahman H, Noh Y, Jamaluddin S, Dawal H, Roslani A, Law CW, Devashanti P, Wahab Y, Velaiutham S, Dato R, Loría J, Montes E, Gómez E, Cazales V, Bautista P, Bautista R, Ahumada D, Hernández E, Velásquez G, Ortega P, Lira G, Estrada F, Martínez J, Martínez J, Casasola J, Olaomi O, Abubakar Y, Apollo K, Badejo O, Ihekire O, Iribhogbe P, Oludiran O, Obeta E, Okojie C, Udefiagbon E, Komolafe E, Olaleye P, Uzochukwu T, Onakpoya U, Dongo A, Uhunmwagho O, Eighemerio E, Morgan E, Thanni L, Afolabi A, Akinola T, Ademola A, Akute O, Khalid L, Abubakar L, Aminu M, Ogirima M, Attansey A, Michael D, Aremu O, Olugbenga O, Ukpong U, Salman Y, Obianyo N, Ani C, Ezeadawi R, Kehinde O, Olaide A, Jogo A, Bitto T, Anyanwu S, Mbonu O, Oludara M, Somoye M, Shehu B, Ismail N, Katchy A, Ndoma-Egba R, Grace-Inah N, Songden Z, Abdulraheem A, Otu A, Nottidge T, Inyang D, Idiapho D, Giebel H, Hassan R, Adisa A, Akinkuolie A, Okam K, Musa A, Falope I, Eze J, Caballero J, Azabache W, Salirrosas O, Soto A, Torres E, Ramírez G, Pérez M, Malca C, Velez J, Yepez R, Yupanqui H, Lagos P, Rodriguez D, Flores J, Moya A, Barrionuevo A, Gonzales-Portillo M, Nunez E, Eldawlatly A, Al Naami M, Delvi B, Alyafi W, Djurovic B, Ng I, Yaghi A, Laincz A, Trenkler S, Valky J, Modiba M, Legodi P, Rangaka T, Wallis W, Muñoz A, Serrano A, Misis M, Rubi M, de la Torre V, Ellawala R, Wijeratna S, Gunaratna L, Wijayanayaka C, Nungu K, Haonga B, Mtapa G, Yutthakasemsunt S, Kittiwattanagul W, Piyavechvirat P, Impool T, Thummaraj S, Salaeh R, Tangchitvittaya S, Wattanakrai K, Soonthornthum C, Jiravongbunrod T, Meephant S, Subsompon P, Pensuwan P, Chamnongwit W, Jerbi Z, Cherif A, Nash M, Harris T, Banerjee J, Freij R, Kendall J, Moore S, Townend W, Cottingham R, Becker D, Lloyd S, Burdett-Smith P, Mirza K, Webster A, Brady S, Grocutt A, Thurston J, Lecky F, Goodacre S, Mulla Y, Sakala D, Chengo C.



Tranexamic acid can reduce bleeding in patients undergoing elective surgery. We assessed the effects of early administration of a short course of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and the receipt of blood transfusion in trauma patients.


This randomised controlled trial was undertaken in 274 hospitals in 40 countries. 20 211 adult trauma patients with, or at risk of, significant bleeding were randomly assigned within 8 h of injury to either tranexamic acid (loading dose 1 g over 10 min then infusion of 1 g over 8 h) or matching placebo. Randomisation was balanced by centre, with an allocation sequence based on a block size of eight, generated with a computer random number generator. Both participants and study staff (site investigators and trial coordinating centre staff) were masked to treatment allocation. The primary outcome was death in hospital within 4 weeks of injury, and was described with the following categories: bleeding, vascular occlusion (myocardial infarction, stroke and pulmonary embolism), multiorgan failure, head injury, and other. All analyses were by intention to treat. This study is registered as ISRCTN86750102, Clinicaltrials.govNCT00375258, and South African Clinical Trial RegisterDOH-27-0607-1919.


10 096 patients were allocated to tranexamic acid and 10 115 to placebo, of whom 10 060 and 10 067, respectively, were analysed. All-cause mortality was significantly reduced with tranexamic acid (1463 [14.5%] tranexamic acid group vs 1613 [16.0%] placebo group; relative risk 0.91, 95% CI 0.85-0.97; p=0.0035). The risk of death due to bleeding was significantly reduced (489 [4.9%] vs 574 [5.7%]; relative risk 0.85, 95% CI 0.76-0.96; p=0.0077).


Tranexamic acid safely reduced the risk of death in bleeding trauma patients in this study. On the basis of these results, tranexamic acid should be considered for use in bleeding trauma patients.


UK NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme, Pfizer, BUPA Foundation, and J P Moulton Charitable Foundation.

Comment in

  • Antifibrinolytic therapy: new data and new concepts. [Lancet. 2010]

  • The use of tranexamic acid for trauma patients? [CJEM. 2012]

  • Tranexamic acid for trauma. [Lancet. 2010]

  • Tranexamic acid for trauma. [Lancet. 2010]

  • Tranexamic acid for trauma. [Lancet. 2010]

  • Tranexamic acid effects in trauma patients with significant hemorrhage. [J Am Coll Surg. 2012]


[Indexed for MEDLINE]


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  • Multicenter Study

  • Randomized Controlled Trial

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Adult

  • Antifibrinolytic Agents/therapeutic use*

  • Blood Transfusion*

  • Female

  • Hemorrhage/drug therapy*

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  • Hemorrhage/mortality

  • Hemorrhage/therapy

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  • Thrombosis/prevention & control*

  • Tranexamic Acid/therapeutic use*

  • Wounds and Injuries/complications*


  • Antifibrinolytic Agents

  • Tranexamic Acid

Secondary source IDs


  • ISRCTN/ISRCTN86750102

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  • 06/303/20/Department of Health/United Kingdom

  • HTA/06/303/20/Department of Health/United Kingdom

  • T32 GM008315/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States

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Ethnic groups”„Jews, by country of origin and age”„Minority Communities in Israel: Background & Overview”„Israel”„Language in Israel”„Selected Data from the 2011 Social Survey on Mastery of the Hebrew Language and Usage of Languages”„Religions”„5 facts about Israeli Druze, a unique religious and ethnic group”„Israël”Israel Country Study Guide„Haredi city in Negev – blessing or curse?”„New town Harish harbors hopes of being more than another Pleasantville”„List of localities, in alphabetical order”„Muncitorii români, doriți în Israel”„Prietenia româno-israeliană la nevoie se cunoaște”„The Higher Education System in Israel”„Middle East”„Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016”„Israel”„Israel”„Jewish Nobel Prize Winners”„All Nobel Prizes in Literature”„All Nobel Peace Prizes”„All Prizes in Economic Sciences”„All Nobel Prizes in Chemistry”„List of Fields Medallists”„Sakharov Prize”„Țara care și-a sfidat "destinul" și se bate umăr la umăr cu Silicon Valley”„Apple's R&D center in Israel grew to about 800 employees”„Tim Cook: Apple's Herzliya R&D center second-largest in world”„Lecții de economie de la Israel”„Land use”Israel Investment and Business GuideA Country Study: IsraelCentral Bureau of StatisticsFlorin Diaconu, „Kadima: Flexibilitate și pragmatism, dar nici un compromis în chestiuni vitale", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 71-72Florin Diaconu, „Likud: Dreapta israeliană constant opusă retrocedării teritoriilor cureite prin luptă în 1967", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 73-74MassadaIsraelul a crescut in 50 de ani cât alte state intr-un mileniuIsrael Government PortalIsraelIsraelIsraelmmmmmXX451232cb118646298(data)4027808-634110000 0004 0372 0767n7900328503691455-bb46-37e3-91d2-cb064a35ffcc1003570400564274ge1294033523775214929302638955X146498911146498911

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