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Dopaminski transporter Садржај Funkcija Mehanizam Interakcije Vidi još Reference Spoljašnje veze Мени за навигацијуSLC6A312645555547SLC6A3More reference expression dataprotein N-terminus bindingdopamine:sodium symporter activitymetal ion bindingneurotransmitter:sodium symporter activitydopamine transmembrane transporter activitydopamine bindingвезивање за протеине плазмевезивање лекаsymporter activitymonoamine transmembrane transporter activitymacromolecular complex bindingprotease bindingвезивања рецептораprotein phosphatase 2A bindingцитоплазмасаставни део мембранемембранаћелијска мембранаintegral component of plasma membraneповршина ћелијеаксонflotillin complexтело нервне ћелијеLipidni splavpresynapseneuron projectiondopaminergic synapseintegral component of postsynaptic membraneintegral component of presynaptic membraneреакција на кокаинprepulse inhibitionresponse to organic cyclic compoundlocomotory behaviordopamine biosynthetic processреакција на никотинбиолошко старењеneurotransmitter biosynthetic processmonoamine transportadenohypophysis developmentregulation of dopamine metabolic processresponse to iron ionsensory perception of smelldopamine uptake involved in synaptic transmissiondopamine catabolic processdopamine transportpositive regulation of multicellular organism growthresponse to cAMPlactationреакција на етанолneurotransmitter transportresponse to drugdopamine uptakeмеђумембрански преносneurotransmitter uptakeAmigoQuickGO6531ENSG00000142319ENSG00000276996Q01959NM_001044NP_001035„Human PubMed Reference:”211704610.1111/j.1471-4159.1990.tb04599.x147865310.1016/S0888-7543(05)80138-796580251251185810.1038/nrn10088994051837183510.1007/BF009982791267253810.1016/S0304-3940(03)00097-11129265110.1096/fj.00-0334com1134364910.1016/S0896-6273(01)00267-712177201„Mutations at tyrosine 88, lysine 92 and tyrosine 470 of human dopamine transporter result in an attenuation of HIV-1 Tat-induced inhibition of dopamine transport”1557-190443888692560466610.1007/s11481-015-9583-3„Mutation of tyrosine 470 of human dopamine transporter is critical for HIV-1 Tat-induced inhibition of dopamine transport and transporter conformational transitions”1557-190437400802364513810.1007/s11481-013-9464-61559-11822171729210.1007/s12035-011-8195-zDopamine transporter-related Associations, Experiments, Publications and Clinical TrialsDopamine+Transporter

АмфетаминБиологија хиперкинетичког поремећајаМембранска биологијаТранспортери неуротрансмитераФамилија траспортера растворкаДопамин

6531ENSG00000142319ENSG00000276996Q01959neurotransmiterdopaminsinaptičkog rascepacitozolvezikulesinapsinorepinefrinskog transporterahiperkinetički poremećajbipolarni poremećajklinička depresijaalkoholizamGeneksonakbpgenetičkog polimorfizmaVNTRDAT1integralni membranski proteinsinaptičke pukotineDopaminsimporterkotransportNa+jonaClNa+/K+ ATPazemonoaminskog transporteraelektrofiziologijamembranskog potencijalainterakcijeHIV-1Tatneurokognitivnim premećajima vezanim za HIV

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Dopaminski transporter

Из Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

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SLC6A3, familija transportera rastvorka 6 (neurotransmiterski transporter), DAT, DAT1, PKDYS, familija transportera rastvorka 6 član 3, Dopaminski transporter
Spoljašnji IDOMIM: 126455 HomoloGene: 55547 GeneCards: SLC6A3
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Dopaminski transporter (ili dopaminski aktivni transporter, DAT, SLC6A3) je transmembranski protein koji pumpa neurotransmiter dopamin iz sinaptičkog rascepa nazad u citozol. U citosolu, drugi transporteri sekvestriraju dopamin u vezikule za čuvanje i kasnije otpuštanje. Ponovni unos dopamina pomoću DAT pruža primarni mehanizam putem koga se dopamin uklanja iz sinapsi, mada mogu da postoje izuzeci u prefrontalnom korteksu, gde evidencija ukazuje na mogućnost veće uloge norepinefrinskog transportera.[2]

DAT je impliciran u brojnim poremećajima vezanim za dopamin, među kojima su hiperkinetički poremećaj, bipolarni poremećaj, klinička depresija, i alkoholizam. Gen koji kodira DAT protein je lociran na ljudskom hromozomu 5, sastoji se od 15 kodirajućih eksona, i dug je oko 64 kbp. Evidenciza za asocijacije između DAT i poremećaja vezanih za dopamin potiče od tipa genetičkog polimorfizma, poznatog kao VNTR, u DAT genu (DAT1), koji utiče na količinu izraženog proteina.[3]


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  • 2 Mehanizam

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DAT je integralni membranski protein koji uklanja dopamin iz sinaptičke pukotine i deponuje ga u okolne ćelije, čime se prekida signal neurotransmitera. Dopamin podupire nekoliko aspekata spoznaje, uključujući nagradu, i DAT olakšava regulaciju tog signala.[4]


DAT je simporter koji prenosi dopamin preko ćelijske membrane sprezanjem premeštanja sa energetski povoljnim kretanjem natrijumovih jona koji se kreću od visoke do niske koncentracije u ćeliji. Za DAT funkcionisanje je neophodno sekvencijalno vezivanje i kotransport dva Na+ jona i jednog Cl jona sa dopaminskim supstratom. Pogonska sila za DAT-posredovano preuzimanje dopamina je jonski koncentracioni gradijent generisan putem Na+/K+ ATPaze ćelijske membrane.[5]

U najšire prihvaćenom modelu funkcije monoaminskog transportera, joni natrijuma se moraju vezati za ekstracelularni domen transportera pre nego što se dopamin može vezivati. Nakon vezivanja dopamina, protein podleže konformacionoj promeni, koja omogućava da se natrijum i dopamin oslobode na intracelularnoj strani membrane.[6]

Studije u kojima se korišteni elektrofiziologija i radioaktivno obeležavanje su potvrdile da je dopaminski transporter sličan sa drugim monoaminskim transporterima u smislu da se jedan molekul neurotransmitera može preneti kroz membranu sa jednim ili dva jona natrijuma. Hloridni joni su isto tako potrebni da bi se sprečio porast pozitivnog naelektrisanja. Te studije su isto tako pokazale da su brzina transporta i njen smer u potpunosti zavisni od natrijumskog gradijenta.[7]

Usled bliske sprege membranskog potencijala i natrijumskog gradijenta, aktivnošću indukovane promene membranske polarnosti mogu dramatično da utiču na brzinu transporta. Dodatno, transporter može da doprinese oslobađanju dopamina kad se neuron depolarizuje.[7]


Dopaminski transporter formira interakcije sa:

  • Alfa-sinuklein,[8][9]

  • PICK1,[10] and

  • TGFB1I1.[11]

Osim ovih urođenih protein-protein interakcija, nedavne studije su demonstrirale da viralni proteini kao što je HIV-1 Tat protein formiraju interakcije sa DAT[12][13] i to vezivanje može da poremeti domapinsku homeostazu kod HIV pozitivnih osoba, što doprinosi neurokognitivnim premećajima vezanim za HIV.[14]

Vidi još

  • Monoaminski transporter

  • Norepinefrinski transporter

  • Serotoninski transporter

  • Glutamatni transporter


  1. ^ „Human PubMed Reference:”. 

  2. ^ Carboni E, Tanda GL, Frau R, Di Chiara G (1990). „Blockade of the noradrenaline carrier increases extracellular dopamine concentrations in the prefrontal cortex: evidence that dopamine is taken up in vivo by noradrenergic terminals”. J. Neurochem. 55 (3): 1067—70. PMID 2117046. doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.1990.tb04599.x. 

  3. ^ Vandenbergh DJ, Persico AM, Hawkins AL, Griffin CA, Li X, Jabs EW, Uhl GR (1992). „Human dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) maps to chromosome 5p15.3 and displays a VNTR”. Genomics. 14 (4): 1104—6. PMID 1478653. doi:10.1016/S0888-7543(05)80138-7. 

  4. ^ Schultz W (1998). „Predictive reward signal of dopamine neurons”. J. Neurophysiol. 80 (1): 1—27. PMID 9658025. 

  5. ^ Torres GE, Gainetdinov RR, Caron MG (2003). „Plasma membrane monoamine transporters: structure, regulation and function”. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 4 (1): 13—25. PMID 12511858. doi:10.1038/nrn1008. 

  6. ^ Sonders MS, Zhu SJ, Zahniser NR, Kavanaugh MP, Amara SG (1997). „Multiple ionic conductances of the human dopamine transporter: the actions of dopamine and psychostimulants”. J. Neurosci. 17 (3): 960—74. PMID 8994051. 

  7. 7,07,1 Wheeler DD, Edwards AM, Chapman BM, Ondo JG (1993). „A model of the sodium dependence of dopamine uptake in rat striatal synaptosomes”. Neurochem. Res. 18 (8): 927—936. PMID 8371835. doi:10.1007/BF00998279. 

  8. ^ Wersinger C, Sidhu A (2003). „Attenuation of dopamine transporter activity by alpha-synuclein”. Neurosci. Lett. 340 (3): 189—92. PMID 12672538. doi:10.1016/S0304-3940(03)00097-1. 

  9. ^ Lee FJ, Liu F, Pristupa ZB, Niznik HB (2001). „Direct binding and functional coupling of alpha-synuclein to the dopamine transporters accelerate dopamine-induced apoptosis”. FASEB J. 15 (6): 916—26. PMID 11292651. doi:10.1096/fj.00-0334com. 

  10. ^ Torres GE, Yao WD, Mohn AR, Quan H, Kim KM, Levey AI, Staudinger J, Caron MG (2001). „Functional interaction between monoamine plasma membrane transporters and the synaptic PDZ domain-containing protein PICK1”. Neuron. 30 (1): 121—34. PMID 11343649. doi:10.1016/S0896-6273(01)00267-7. 

  11. ^ Carneiro AM, Ingram SL, Beaulieu JM, Sweeney A, Amara SG, Thomas SM, Caron MG, Torres GE (2002). „The multiple LIM domain-containing adaptor protein Hic-5 synaptically colocalizes and interacts with the dopamine transporter”. J. Neurosci. 22 (16): 7045—54. PMID 12177201. 

  12. ^ Midde, Narasimha M.; Yuan, Yaxia; Quizon, Pamela M.; Sun, Wei-Lun; Huang, Xiaoqin; Zhan, Chang-Guo; Zhu, Jun (1. 3. 2015). „Mutations at tyrosine 88, lysine 92 and tyrosine 470 of human dopamine transporter result in an attenuation of HIV-1 Tat-induced inhibition of dopamine transport”. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 10 (1): 122—135. ISSN 1557-1904. PMC 4388869 Слободан приступ. PMID 25604666. doi:10.1007/s11481-015-9583-3. 

  13. ^ Midde, Narasimha M.; Huang, Xiaoqin; Gomez, Adrian M.; Booze, Rosemarie M.; Zhan, Chang-Guo; Zhu, Jun (1. 9. 2013). „Mutation of tyrosine 470 of human dopamine transporter is critical for HIV-1 Tat-induced inhibition of dopamine transport and transporter conformational transitions”. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 8 (4): 975—987. ISSN 1557-1904. PMC 3740080 Слободан приступ. PMID 23645138. doi:10.1007/s11481-013-9464-6. 

  14. ^ Purohit, Vishnudutt; Rapaka, Rao; Shurtleff, David (1. 8. 2011). „Drugs of abuse, dopamine, and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders/HIV-associated dementia”. Molecular Neurobiology. 44 (1): 102—110. ISSN 1559-1182. PMID 21717292. doi:10.1007/s12035-011-8195-z. 

Spoljašnje veze

  • Dopamine transporter-related Associations, Experiments, Publications and Clinical Trials

  • MeSH Dopamine+Transporter

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Geography”„Makhteshim Country”Israel and the Palestinian Territories„Makhtesh Ramon”„The Living Dead Sea”„Temperatures reach record high in Pakistan”„Climate Extremes In Israel”Israel in figures„Deuteronom”„JNF: 240 million trees planted since 1901”„Vegetation of Israel and Neighboring Countries”Environmental Law in Israel„Executive branch”„Israel's election process explained”„The Electoral System in Israel”„Constitution for Israel”„All 120 incoming Knesset members”„Statul ISRAEL”„The Judiciary: The Court System”„Israel's high court unique in region”„Israel and the International Criminal Court: A Legal Battlefield”„Localities and population, by population group, district, sub-district and natural region”„Israel: Districts, Major Cities, Urban Localities & Metropolitan Areas”„Israel-Egypt Relations: Background & Overview of Peace Treaty”„Solana to Haaretz: New Rules of War Needed for Age of Terror”„Israel's Announcement Regarding Settlements”„United Nations Security Council Resolution 497”„Security Council resolution 478 (1980) on the status of Jerusalem”„Arabs will ask U.N. to seek razing of Israeli wall”„Olmert: Willing to trade land for peace”„Mapping Peace between Syria and Israel”„Egypt: Israel must accept the land-for-peace formula”„Israel: Age structure from 2005 to 2015”„Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990–2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition”10.1016/S0140-6736(15)61340-X„World Health Statistics 2014”„Life expectancy for Israeli men world's 4th highest”„Family Structure and Well-Being Across Israel's Diverse Population”„Fertility among Jewish and Muslim Women in Israel, by Level of Religiosity, 1979-2009”„Israel leaders in birth rate, but poverty major challenge”„Ethnic Groups”„Israel's population: Over 8.5 million”„Israel - Ethnic groups”„Jews, by country of origin and age”„Minority Communities in Israel: Background & Overview”„Israel”„Language in Israel”„Selected Data from the 2011 Social Survey on Mastery of the Hebrew Language and Usage of Languages”„Religions”„5 facts about Israeli Druze, a unique religious and ethnic group”„Israël”Israel Country Study Guide„Haredi city in Negev – blessing or curse?”„New town Harish harbors hopes of being more than another Pleasantville”„List of localities, in alphabetical order”„Muncitorii români, doriți în Israel”„Prietenia româno-israeliană la nevoie se cunoaște”„The Higher Education System in Israel”„Middle East”„Academic Ranking of World Universities 2016”„Israel”„Israel”„Jewish Nobel Prize Winners”„All Nobel Prizes in Literature”„All Nobel Peace Prizes”„All Prizes in Economic Sciences”„All Nobel Prizes in Chemistry”„List of Fields Medallists”„Sakharov Prize”„Țara care și-a sfidat "destinul" și se bate umăr la umăr cu Silicon Valley”„Apple's R&D center in Israel grew to about 800 employees”„Tim Cook: Apple's Herzliya R&D center second-largest in world”„Lecții de economie de la Israel”„Land use”Israel Investment and Business GuideA Country Study: IsraelCentral Bureau of StatisticsFlorin Diaconu, „Kadima: Flexibilitate și pragmatism, dar nici un compromis în chestiuni vitale", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 71-72Florin Diaconu, „Likud: Dreapta israeliană constant opusă retrocedării teritoriilor cureite prin luptă în 1967", în Revista Institutului Diplomatic Român, anul I, numărul I, semestrul I, 2006, pp. 73-74MassadaIsraelul a crescut in 50 de ani cât alte state intr-un mileniuIsrael Government PortalIsraelIsraelIsraelmmmmmXX451232cb118646298(data)4027808-634110000 0004 0372 0767n7900328503691455-bb46-37e3-91d2-cb064a35ffcc1003570400564274ge1294033523775214929302638955X146498911146498911

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